Elephant thoughts

My thoughts on knitting, crocheting, being crafty and just my life in general. I am calling it elephant thoughts because elephants never forget and I am hoping this will help me to remember more things. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Well, I finally uploaded my pictures. Here they are:

Santa hat for my new niece

Bracelet for my mom

Another Bracelet for my mom

Magnetic bracelet for my older neice

Circle scarf

Closeup of Circle scarf

Me wearing the finished Circle scarf
New Navy Blue Alpaca scarf (not finished yet

I really like to make scarves, so you will be seeing lots more of them in the near future.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas over and extra projects made

I finished all (well almost, but it was an extra gift anyway) the projects I had intended for Christmas and even made a few extras. I made 2 extra bracelets for people and I finshed the napkins and no I do not have pictures of them with me. I do have them and I will post them at a later time, I promise.

I am now working on something I read in a new (to me) blog I found, Joan Knits. She has this wonderful idea of how to get on track and keep on track (hopefully) with your knitting and/or crochet projects. It is the Joans Wacky Dot System . I started organizing for this last week and so far I cleaned up my room (yesterday) and put away the extra yarn so that it is out of site and only left out the projects that are partially done and the ones that need to be done first. So far I finished one project and am almost through with another one. I feel like I am actaully going to do all that I need to get done by my deadlines. I also made a pledge to myself that I would not buy anymore yarn for 4 months or until I had used up the majority of my stash and just absolutely have to buy yarn for a specific project that has a dealine. I am going to use up what I have buy making afghans and scarves and maybe even some hats and arm warmers, but I will use it all up. I promise. I even told my BF about it and asked him to keep me in line and that I would try not to fuss back at him when he did. Yay for me!!

Well, that is all for now. I promise to post more later and add pictures of what I finished.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I know, I know, I never mentioned even making these in this blog before today. I had been thinking about htem for a while and then after talking ot my wonderful boyfriend and he thinking it was a good idea I decided to make them. They area 4 white napkins with pineapples embroidered on 1 corner. They are also a Christmas gift for my boyfriends mom. I think the first one turned out nicely. See for yourself.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Brian's afghan folded

Brian's afghan folded, originally uploaded by Kara.

Here is a second view that shows the colors a little more clearly. I didn't use a pattern to make it, I just remembered another one I did and made this one similar to it.

Next up is to finish another scarf and make a couple of quilts. After that I still have a long list of things to make, but I don't know if I will be able to get to them or get them finished before Christmas. We shall see.

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Brian's afghan

Brian's afghan small 005, originally uploaded by .

I have finally finished my friend's afghan. I know, I know, it is about time huh? Well, I had a lot going on and didn't get to work on it quite as much as I wanted or needed to. I think it turned out pretty well too.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I just finished the hat I was knitting for my new niece. It is my first circular and DP needle piece ever. I am all excited about making it and I think it looks really good for my first time. I also remembered to take a picture of it. WooHoo! I made it out of a really really soft yarn. The name of it is Oh My! by plymouth Yarn and it is a 100% nylon yarn.

That is all for now, I will post more when I get it done.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I know, I know. I haven't posted in a while. There have been lots of things happening that are not craft related and kept me away from doing many crafts. I have started back though. I went for another knitting lesson yesterday to learn how to make a baby hat for my new niece. She is a little on the small side for now and my sister is wanting some extra hats for her to help keep her warm.

I also finished the pink crochet scarf I was working on. I don't have a picture, because I gave it to my aunt before I remembered to take a picture. I also finished a crochet hat for my niece that I forgot to take a picture of before I gave it to her. I am going to have to get better at remembering to take pictures.

I am now working on an afghan that I really really need to get finished for my friend Brian. I will try to finish it this week. Also I have the circle scarf I am redoing and the baby hat and then I want to start on a bag I am going to knit. It will probably be for a gift, but I am not sure for who just now.

Between this stuff and making some jewelry I plan on being very crafty for the very near future. It will be so much fun! Ok, I promise pictures in the very near future as well of my works in progress. More later, got to get back to crafting.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Purse and Wallet

This is my first purse. I was making it for a swap that I am doing on getcrafty.com. I think it is cool looking, hopefully my swap pal will like it.